Latest NewsThe latest from our club

Northaw & Cuffley Tennis Club had their Junior Finals scheduled for Saturday 16th July but due to torrential rain had to postpone it until the following Friday 22nd July.  This coincided with the end of term festivities planned including a BBQ ran by the dads which proved hective but very successful!  Some very exciting and competitive tennis was played from the ages of 5 upwards!  The children played some outstanding tennis which left many of the parents amazed at the levels their children are acheiving!  All was organised by Head Coach Paul Rock and Junior Representative Nicola Keeling including bouncy castles, prize tombola and cakes!  Well done to all those who took part this year but especially to the winners as follows:

Mini Red - Nathan Snow (pictured with runner up Ashlin Whitaker)
Mini Orange - Finlay Titchmarsh (pictured with Head Coach Paul Rock)
Mini Green - Mathius Neyt

Under 12 Boys - Alex Chao (pictured)
Under 12 Girls - Nadia Melidoro (pictured with runner up Chloe Harris)

Under 14 Boys - Josh Castiglione
Under 14 Girls - Amber Wood

Under 16 Boys - Jay DeRoche
Under 18 Boys - Jay De Roche

Well done to everyone involved!

Cardio Tennis

Cardio Tennis

This is a new, fun, group based activity on tennis court set to music, featuring drills & routines to give players of all abilities an ultimate, high energy workout

Monday 1pm-1.40pm & Friday 9.20am-10am

This is a sports workout for men & women £3 per session

Starting on Monday 26th April the first lesson is free to anyone starting this squad

Speak to Paul Rock 07961 282 347 email:

Ladies Coffee Morning Squads

Ladies Coffee Morning Squads

Tuesday 9.15am-10.30am Beginners, Intermediate, & Advanced Welcome £5 pay & play

Wednesday 8pm-9.15pm Beginners & Intermediate £5 per session

There is something for everyone at the club why not come along and find out

Speak to Paul Rock 07961 282 347 email:

Featured Membersprofiles of members

  • Andrew Jones
    I have always enjoyed watching tennis but never got the chance to play. All my friends played football. It wasn't until 2009 that I joined the tennis club with a friend.  
  • Carol Martinez
    I joined Cuffley tennis club in 2007 shortly after I moved into the area. Right from an early age I have loved tennis but never seriously thought of joining a club until a friend suggested it, and I have loved ever minute of it.
  • Moira Allen
    I joined the tennis club in the Spring of 1965 so have been a member at Cuffley for 45 years!


Latest NewsOctober 2016

  • 14th July 2012 
    Junior Finals Day
  • 23rd June 2012
    Main Tournament Finals Day Well done to ALL the winners!  See the Tournament page for details.

Contact Us

Northaw & Cuffley Lawn Tennis Club

Pavillions and Grounds
George V Playing Fields
Northaw Road East

Clubhouse Telephone Number: 01707 888010
Clubhouse Manager Richard Thewlis: 07970 547 885

Head Coach Paul Rock: 07961 282 347

Membership Secretary: Andrew Jones
07515 743 270

Map: Google Map